The exhibition Memòria de l’Enginy Femení, composed of pieces by Delia Díaz, in collaboration with the research group Transiciones Sostenibles from the field of design, as well as with the Master’s degree specialized in engraving and silkscreen printing offered by the EASD Castelló.
The freedom of research in her work reaches its peak in her collection of women, which expresses her intention to build networks of feminine genealogies that have been unfairly erased from history by patriarchy, and to recover contemporary women whose talent and vigor sometimes go unnoticed. Women working in different trades and professions, from different periods and countries, have been summoned by the artist to configure a mosaic of enormous expressive power.
Delia Díaz, through her work, brings us closer to an experiential compendium of female ingenuity, of lives that keep on breathing and being lived, as their respective acts continue to enrich our context and build a more civilized world. Moreover, she approaches it with full intention, from her own language, with an expressive mood capable of taking advantage of all the sensitive dimensions derived from the necessary relationship between the pigment and the support.
The polychrome ceramic material, in its double role as a base and narrative element confers a lasting character and, at the same time, provides a certain security against any possible chromatic alteration that could be imprinted by the passage of time. It can be assumed that there is no room for innocence in the field of art, which is why we could agree that this technical decision harbors, at its core, a reasoned discursive design. The author materializes her artistic production responding to the need for durability, of temporal and experiential prolongation, of subsistence; because, ultimately, to a greater or lesser extent, we can recognize ourselves in all the faces.