Pascual Cándido is a visual arts artist and member of the band Six Burning Knives. He sees art as a form of expression and communication, like some sort of therapy that begins as a monolog and transforms into a revolution. Art, and consequently, culture, has saved him in many occasions. When asked about the reasons why he never shared what he kept in a drawer, he said “that’s what I’ve done ever since… I believe I have much to say”.
Published work

Bohemia de la serie 'Observando sin observar'
Tinta y ceras duras sobre base de collage, 2019

Pasión de la serie 'Observando sin observar'
Tinta y ceras blandas sobre base de collage, 2019

Rutina de la serie 'Observando sin observar'
Acuarela y titna sobre base de collage, 2019